Evolution of a UI

We have working hard on iKnode, and one of the things we wanted to improve was the UI. We just recently reduced the top bar to make it less complex, and also changed the icons to a more minimal set.

As we add functionality, iKnode has been growing complex and that has been reflected in the UI. That is exactly why we are taking the time to make it more friendly.

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iKnode: What Is in a Name?

I was recently talking to a friend, and he asked me why I named our project iKnode. He said: “I know you are a fan of Steve Jobs but this is too much”. To be honest, it has nothing to do with Apple or Steve Jobs.

The story begins in 2003 when I was doing my dissertation for my master. I was working for a model to mine data from Data-warehouses to create a knowledge base using Frames and Protegé. I created an engine to do the transformation and mining, at the time I called it IKnow. It was a single engine that only analyzed, and extracted the data to create Ontology classes.

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iKnode Reaches Beta Status

iKnode, our Backend-as-a-Service offering has reached beta status and invites have been sent. We have received a lot of feedback, and we are excited to hear what users think.

It has been a difficult couple of months getting to this point. It was sad, that we were not accepted as YCombinator alumni, but we are not doing this for money or fame. We are doing it for freedom. iKnode is our blackpearl.

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