New Website Design

As promised we have a new site and design. We opted for a minimalist design and simple website structure. We decided to drop Wordpress for Jekyll + Octopress; mainly because of speed, but also because of the flexibility.

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Exciting Changes Are Coming!

We have working hard on the platform and its documentation. The platform is more stable with every release, and we hope to have a good batch of guides, tutorials and samples by the end of this month.

Additionally, we just recently released a new version of the iKnode Application library that supports FTP transfers, and a bunch of other cool features. We’ll be writing a guide to use it so that you can take advantage of it in your applications.

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SOPA Has Been Stopped!

The internet community has been brought together and stopped a very dangerous bill which if approved, would have seriously damaged innovation, and put startups like us in danger.

We joined the protest on January 18th, 2012 joining forces with the internet community lead by Google, Wikipedia and Reddit. We strongly believe, the internet community stopped this bill from being passed. And we are not alone in this belief.

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